Lost Islands Center for Kape - Get LICKed in El Nido

A conversation w/ Silvester Dan Sibal Samonte
What is coffee?
This 2020, I regard coffee as both a comfort drink and a beverage that brings out a sensorial adventure. It has a long and deeply connected supply chain, which many people around the world rely on for their livelihood.
What is the coffee scene in the Philippines and what should folks know about?
The Philippine coffee scene is vibrant and full of promise. The entire industry has experienced a renaissance in the last 10 years, from the farming and processing site, to the roasting and retailing aspect. The Philippine coffee industry as a whole is currently at its best quality. High quality green coffees are produced, farmers are earning livable wages and retail businesses are expanding. Even if the Philippine coffee industry is still far from being a world player in terms of high quality coffee, we are gradually getting better.
What vision do you have for sustainability and coffee in El Nido/ Philippines/ global?
Sustainable coffee, for me, means that everyone in the coffee chain receives a living wage, has a positive impact on the environment and produces quality coffee. This vision of sustainable coffee in the Philippines is rapidly becoming a mainstream idea. Right now, many coffee farmers are receiving above average global and local price for their coffee products. This allows roasters and retailers to opt for environment friendly locally grown coffees. By promoting Philippine grown coffees, we are able to lessen imports and encourage coffee forest farming thereby reducing the environmental impact of each retail coffee cup. El Nido and Palawan are ideal places to craft a coffee chain that supports their sustainability agenda.
Why El Nido?
El Nido is a beautiful place to live out my vision for a sustainable and tasty Philippine coffee. I strive to be a catalyst in prompting high quality Philippine coffee to the world through the retailers, what better place than El Nido. I want each visitor and resident to know that we have tasty, high quality and sustainable coffees available here in the Philippines. El Nido is already on the map for so many reasons, allowing visitors on a worldwide scale to taste Philippine coffees and understand the story behind them contribute to our sustainable goals as a country and a coffee producing area!
Read the full article here.
ESTEL is a free  tourism and sustainability magazine, published quarterly. You can find copies at the Kape Center, your hotel, or at your favorite El Nido restaurant.
"The focus of ESTEL is to be a voice for Eco-Sustainable Tourism in El Nido (E.S.T.EL) for smaller businesses and provide tourism information (EatSleepTourElNido)."